Children learn and play in a safe environment at the Jennings Early Head Start Center.
Yesterday, The Huffington Post published its video story on the ECMHSP Jennings Center in Florida. It features farmworker, Vianey Lopez, who serves as the President of the center’s Parent Committee. ECMHSP owes a debt of gratitude to Vianey for sharing her incredible story. It is truly amazing advocacy and a shining example of the parent leadership at ECMHSP!
ECMHSP dedicated staff work to ensure we are offering high-quality Head Start services to our families every day. The video brought to the forefront two of our many Head Start stars. Sheri Anastasio, the Jennings Center Director, and Marimar Ramirez, the center’s Family Services Coordinator, could not have done a better job telling our story. They went above and beyond!

Sheri Anastasio, Center Director at the Jennings Early Head Start Center.
ECMHSP is so pleased and proud with the finished product. The video showcases the best of what ECMHSP has to offer.
This is who we are. This is what we do.
We ask that you now, sit back, relax, and enjoy the film! Click on the image below to view the video.
