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Strengthening Community Ties in Semmes

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Ilsy Gray has been the Center Director at ECMHSP Semmes Center since July of 2017.  But her story with ECMHSP started in 2014, when she was the Family Services Coordinator.  She says this position prepared her for the challenging role that she holds today.  Ilsy is originally from Honduras and holds a degree from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), where she graduated as a Chemical Engineer.  Besides leading her center to success, Ilsy is also working toward an Early Childhood Education degree at Bishop State Community College.  She’s passionate about furthering her education and motivating others to do the same.

Stephanie, an ECMHSP parent, recently got hired as the new Family Services Coordinator, which will allow her to take a break from working in the fields and spending more time with her family.  Stephanie previously served on the Parent Committee in 2014 as the Secretary, so she has been trusted with this role of enrolling farmworker families.  “Good communication has been key to building strong relationships.  It’s rewarding to see the children and their family’s growth as seasons go by,” says Ilsy.

The families at the Semmes Center in Alabama harvest fruits and vegetables. In addition, they plant and prune ornamental plants, ferns, and pine trees for Christmas. The season starts in May and ends in September.  The countries primarily represented by the center’s farmworker families are from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.

Facebook Parent Orientation 2018-6

ECMHSP Semmes Center Parent Orientation 2018

They recently opened for the season on Monday, May 7 with 45 children. This season, staff plans on strengthening their current community partnerships, which are crucial for farmworker families’ well-being. One of the most important partnerships is with the Mobile Health Department.  The Semmes Center staff consider themselves lucky to have two former ECMHSP employees working at the Mobile Health Department, making them very responsive to the center’s needs.

Facebook - Fall Festival 2017. Semmes Mayor with Parent Committee's President-2017

David Baker, Mayor of Semmes, Alabama, visits the ECMHSP Semmes Center.

In addition, the City Hall of Semmes is very engaged with the center. Last year, David Baker, Mayor of Semmes, Alabama, accepted the center’s invitation and attended the literacy festival, where he shook the hands of many of our ECMHSP parents.  Ilsy looks forward to a great 2018 season at the Semmes Center.  She has promised to stay in touch and continue sharing the growth of her community.



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