Children at our centers benefit from the multiculturalism celebrated in our classrooms.
ECMHSP is proud to serve America’s farmworker families, a challenging task that we have lovingly undertaken for more than 35 years. Many of these farmworker families immigrated to the United States, bringing with them their rich cultures, languages, and beautiful traditions that are passed down to their children. The children enrolled in our Migrant and Seasonal Head Start program benefit greatly from the multiculturalism that is celebrated in our classrooms and in our communities.
However, in recent weeks, this country’s immigrant community has been facing much uncertainty and fear. The looming threat of deportation weighs heavy on their minds, especially in families with loved ones that are undocumented. Like every family, they want to remain together.
Yesterday, the quarterly magazine, Modern Farmer, shared the story of Rosa Garcia and her family. The article carefully examines the effects the new immigration enforcement policies can potentially have on American farming and the farmworker families that provide us with a secure source of fresh fruits and vegetables. It also discusses the challenges Rosa’s family is facing to try to stay together.
As Rosa’s father, Hector, shares, “We didn’t come here to take anyone’s jobs away. We came to escape the poverty that we have in our country and to provide our children with a better future. We are doing work that most Americans are not willing to do.”

A farmworker parent enrolls her child at a ECMHSP Head Start center.
ECMHSP opens its center doors to families just like Rosa’s every day. Our organization knows it is critical for the families we serve to be informed with accurate information regarding immigration, especially when they are making decisions that can impact their family’s safety and well-being. In response to requests from parents at the centers, ECMHSP has developed collaborative partnerships with immigration advocates to ensure we are bringing the most up-to-date information to our families. Resource guides are under development, guest speakers are presenting at parent meetings, and materials are being distributed to our families through our centers. We will continue to provide our families with the support they ask of us.
In this time of uncertainty, ECMHSP stands by our farmworker families. Each day at our centers, we see the resiliency and strength of our farmworker families, and most importantly, the deep and unconditional love they have for their families.
All families deserve to stay together.